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Safety has been improved for thousands of road users, thanks to in-pavement lighting that minimises confusion and guides users through a busy intersection during green light sequences. 




Road user safety improved through the implementation of in-pavement lighting (IPL) to minimise confusion and provide clear direction on lane markings.


Detailed design; supply, installation, commissioning and ongoing support for in-pavement lighting system to improve wayfinding.


Adelaide, South Australia

Director Melbourne Airport

"Fusce dapibus, tellus as cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursu mmodo luctus,nisi erat Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursu mmodo luctusnisi erat Fusce dapibus. "


The Panalatinga Road exit ramp from the Southern Expressway forms part of a busy intersection, with some 30,000 motorists passing through it each day.
The intersection sees four major roads meet, along with a pedestrian crossing serving a nearby park and ride, and the multiple lane markings can be a source of confusion for drivers.
To further improve the safety of the intersection, SAGE Automation was engaged by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) to design an in-pavement lighting system that easily identifies lane boundaries for motorists.


SAGE Automation completed the design, supply and installation of LED lights and controllers to improve wayfinding using an in-pavement lighting (IPL) system.
Following a comprehensive in-house testing period, the supplied lighting solution was installed.
The installation of the IPLs was completed in conjunction with SAGE Group company Traffic Control Systems, requiring night works to minimise disruption to road users.


In-pavement lights (IPLs) were activated on the Panalatinga Road exit ramp in May 2020.

The IPLs link to the intersection’s traffic signals and activate when traffic is passing in the direction of the lighting. Using LED lighting focused in the motorists’ line of sight helps to provide guidance through the intersection by illuminating the direction of travel during a green light sequence.
The IPLs improve visibility for road users and allow drivers to easily navigate the intersection, especially during low light and poor visibility conditions.

Directional lights

The lighting used in this project is self-monitoring, allowing for rapid fault reporting and ease of monitoring.
With a quick glance at the monitoring software, DIT Traffic Management Centre can see which lights are operational. Alerts can also be set up to ensure outages are fixed in a timely manner.


Project highlights

  • Safety improved for thousands of South Australian road users

  • Factory acceptance testing (FAT) completed remotely due to COVID-19

  • Installation work completed with social distancing measures adhered to onsite.

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