News - SAGE Automation

SAGE jumps rank in top 100 business index

Written by SAGE Automation | 20 September 2018

SAGE Group Holdings Ltd has jumped four places to number 50 in this year's InDaily South Australian Business Index - a ranking of the state's top 100 companies.


SAGE Group CEO Adrian Fahey congratulated the company and its subsidaries on the ranking. 


"This is great recognition for our global business and something we should all feel very proud of," Mr Fahey said.


“We’ve undergone huge growth over the last 12 months, with the launch of two new brands, 96 new employees and a forecasted revenue of more than 98 million," he said. 


"We have an exciting 18 months ahead of us, with new businesses to be launched in New Zealand and the USA, creating new opportunities for our very talented team." 


Mr Fahey puts the group's success down to talented people who love coming to work.  


"We're all proud of the way SAGE has grown from the backyard shed in 1994 to the 300-plus workforce today.


"I put it down to our driven people who are dedicated to finding the smartest solution and do what they say they'll do, no matter what." 


The 2018 Indaily ranking follows a strong upward trend for SAGE from previous years:

  • 2016: position 64/100
  • 2017: position 54/100
  • 2018: position 50/100 


SAGE Group's subsidaries include SAGE Automation, Nukon, Embedded Expertise and Skills Lab. They combine the best thinking in engineering with Industry 4.0 to reduce error, improve efficiency and increase safety for clients across defence, transport, utilities, resources and manufacturing.


Learn how we're making a smarter future, better world with Industry 4.0, control systems and automation, advanced manufacturing, talent acquisition and workforce training in our video: